27. Easy Nature Cure Treatment

Mahatma Gandhi loved nature cure very much. He followed it, encouraged it and treated many people. He had started a full fledged nature cure Ashram at Uralikanchan near Pune in Maharashtra, which is even now popularly functioning.
Sunrays, mud and water are easily available. They are natural resources. People can make use of such natural resources and treat their diseases themselves.

1. Mud packs:

Black and sticky mud is very useful in treating certain ailments. If cloth packs with mud spread within are placed on stomach, eyes, ears, cheeks, throat, foot, back, backbone etc. the mud sucks off the dirt, waste, heat and pains from them.

The dried mud is powdered and filtered. Its paste is made by soaking in water overnight. The paste is spread on a piece of clean wet cloth and folded into bandage shape. This mud bandage is placed on the required place for about 30 minutes. Gases, indigestion etc. are cured. The pimples on the face can be removed with the application of mud packs. If it is applied on an unripen boil, it ripens and makes it burst thereby bringing the puss and other dirt out. To cure skin diseases, the mud is applied to the entire body. After half an hour, a thorough bath is taken to remove the clay. Brightness in the skin also increases. Mud packs may be used to cure a number of diseases.

A 4’ to 5’ deep pit is dug into a depth of the height of a man upto his neck. The sick person is sent into it and the mud is filled upto his neck. He is made to be in the pit for some time and then taken out. This is one of the old method of treating a number of diseases.

Body part covered by the mud

Slow normal

2. Hip Bath / Navel Bath:

Hip bath tubs are available in the market. The person sits slant in the tub and fills it with water upto his navel. The legs are outside the tub on a wooden plank. A small wet towel is kept on the head. A small handkerchief is folded to its one fourth. The abdomen around the navel is slowly and delicately rubbed with the folded kerchief. It should neither be rubbed with force nor in a rough way. 10 to 20 minutes Hip bath may be taken every day. Sick persons should take 20 minutes navel bath. Hips and the lower part of the navel should be in the water. Normal water without heating may be used. Sick persons may use warm water. After the bath, the body should be dried up with a dry towel. If it is felt cold after the bath, a blanket should be wrapped over. Three kilometers walk or light exercises may be practiced after the hip bath. This generates energy in the body. Normal bath should be taken after an hour of hip bath.

Nothing should be eaten for an hour after the hip bath.

Body covered by water

Normal & slow

It has good effect on the intestines and reduces unwanted heat. It also reduces impurities, and residue (accumulated) in the intestines. Heart diseases, high blood pressure, cold, sleeplessness, general weakness etc. are prevented / controlled.

It cures menstruation problems and regulates the periods. Hip bath can be had in the morning and in the evening also.

Note: It is better to consult a nature cure physician or an expert before starting a hip bath for the first time.

3. Sunbath:

Lying in the rising sun, either on the stomach or on the back and letting the morning sunrays fall on the skin is called the Sunbath. Every person can have the sun bath. Minimum clothes, only a cut drawer or a langoti is worn, so that almost the entire body is exposed to sun. Ladies should wear minimum clothing. The head is made wet covering with a wet cloth before taking the sunbath. Feet are towards the sun so that the sunrays may directly fall on the entire body. The sunbath must be taken in the tender sun or rising sun only for about 10 to 30 minutes before breakfast. It sweats during the sunbath, it is wiped off with a dry cloth and then regular bath is taken.

The skin touched by sunrays

Normally slow

The body gets strength, energy, new vigour and abundant Vitamin D. Diseases like Rickets’ and skin diseases are cured. Chronic skin diseases are cured by making the patient lie under different colour glasses and making him sleep in a plantain leaf in the mild sunlight.

Note: Sun bath should be immediately stopped when skin starts burning.

4. Wet pack:

A towel or a piece of cotton cloth is made wet in the cold water and placed on the abdomen or face or forehead or on eyes or wherever it is needed for some time till it dries up.

Area covered with wet pack


If the wet cloth is placed on the stomach, the unwanted gas is reduced, if placed on the forehead the temperature of the fever is reduced. Wet cloth is placed on the injuries to stop the bleeding.

Note: After Wet pack, skin should be cleaned with a dry towel/cloth.

5. Warm water Foot Bath:

Sitting on a chair, both the feet are placed in the bucket filled with warm water. When the warmth of the water is cooled down fresh warm water is added to maintain the heat. The body is totally covered for 20 minutes with a woolen blanket including the bucket. A piece of wet cloth is placed on the head. The entire body sweats from top to toes. Then the foot bath is completed. Taking the legs out and uncovering the blanket the sweat is wiped off with a dry cloth. Rest is taken by sleeping under a cover.

Note: A glass of water is drunk before taking warm water foot bath.

The warmth in the body

Normally slow

The irritation and itches in the legs, knee pain, body pains are cured. Rheumatism is prevented. It is a boon for those who suffer from sleeplessness. It sends one into deep sleep.

People suffering from high blood pressure, heart diseases, mental unrest should not take warm water footbath.

Lot of research is being done and many new techniques are successfully planned and implemented giving relief to sick person without side effects.
Nature cure treatments, once learnt, can be utilized easily without much difficulties.
Naturopathy as a holistic therapy is becoming popular world over. Certificate – Diploma – Degree courses are available at different organizations / colleges / universities. If properly trained, one can help others also.